Arre, Bollywood ke pyaar ke panchiyon ki baat ho rahi hai! On the occasion of their 6th wedding anniversary, our ever-dashing Ranveer Singh has once again reminded the world why he’s the ultimate husband material. With a heartwarming dedication to his beloved Deepika Padukone, the internet is buzzing with love and a touch of envy!
Picture this: Ranveer Singh, the ultimate showman, takes to social media to reveal some unseen moments of his life with Deepika. And let me tell you, it’s a photo dump that could make even the hardest hearts go ‘aww’. From candid snaps of Deepika’s million-dollar smile, to her indulging in her favorite ice creams, to a sneak peek of her maternity shoot, this post was practically dripping with love! 💖 In his loving ode, Ranveer declared, “Every day is Wife Appreciation Day, but today is the main day ☺️💁🏽♂️ #HappyAnniversary @deepikapadukone 😘♥️ I love you 🧿♾️.” It’s like he took the last slice of relationship goals and served it on a silver platter for the world to see. And, of course, the comments section was a mushy land of heart emojis and melting hearts, with fans echoing sentiments like, “This is making my heart melt 🫠❤️❤️,” and “A true loving husband is the one who always finds such hidden gems in his gallery and posts it on his wife’s birthday/anniversary ❤️😂.” Ah, DeepVeer, as their fans lovingly call them – celebrating their first anniversary as parents to little Dua Padukone Singh. We’re all holding our breath for those adorable family pics, kyunki dil maange more! Kiran’s Gyan: In the world of Bollywood, where drama is a way of life, it’s refreshing to see some asli pyaar! Relationships here are like a Bollywood script – full of twists, turns, and the occasional item number. But Deepika and Ranveer? They’re living proof that sometimes, the best stories are the ones that don’t need a script at all! 💃🎬