Bollywood’s red carpet is all set to roll out yet again, and this time, it’s a powerhouse production backed by none other than Priyanka Chopra and Guneet Monga that’s stealing the spotlight! The short film "Anuja" is making waves internationally, and guess what? It’s bagged a nomination at the 2025 Oscars! 🎬✨
Hold your horses, folks! This is not your average Bollywood masala flick. "Anuja" is all about heart, grit, and a 9-year-old wonder named Sajda Pathan, who’s ready to take the world by storm. It’s like the universe is saying, "Ab tera kya hoga, Bollywood?" 🤔
The Tale of Anuja
Directed by the dynamic duo, Adam J Graves and Suchitra Mattai, "Anuja" spins a tale that tugs at your heartstrings. It’s about a young girl who must choose between school and factory work alongside her sister. Talk about tough choices! 😟 With Sajda Pathan playing the titular role and Ananya Shanbhag as her sister, this film promises to be a rollercoaster of emotions. And with Priyanka Chopra, Guneet Monga, and Mindy Kaling on board as producers, it’s no wonder the film’s making quite the buzz!
Meet Sajda Pathan: The Little Star with a Big Dream
Sajda Pathan isn’t just acting in films; she’s living one! From the streets of Delhi to sharing screen space in a French film "The Braid (La Tresse)" with Mia Maelzer, her journey is nothing short of filmi. Rescued by the Salaam Baalak Trust, Sajda’s story is both inspiring and heartwarming. The trust, co-producing "Anuja," was originally funded by proceeds from Mira Nair’s film "Salaam Bombay." Talk about coming full circle! 🎥
Anuja’s Oscar Journey
Circle March 2nd on your calendars, people! The Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles will host the 2025 Academy Awards, where "Anuja" will compete in the Best Live Action Short Film category. It’s up against some stiff competition, but we’ve got our fingers crossed! 🤞 Oh, and keep your Netflix subscriptions handy because "Anuja" is set to stream there soon.
Kiran’s Gyan:
Bollywood in Hollywood? Arre bhai, ab toh Oscars bhi apne ghar ka function lag raha hai! With talent like Sajda and backing from big names, it’s only a matter of time before the world sees that Bollywood isn’t just about naach-gaana but also heart-touching stories that resonate globally. So, dear Bollywood, bring on the drama, but don’t forget the kahani! 😉