At present, the movie ‘Munjya’ is hitting boundaries like a pro. After scoring a 4 on Friday with Rs. 4.21 crores in the bag, the film managed to repeat the same success by collecting Rs. 4.11 crores on Monday. And just when you thought there might be a drop on Tuesday, think again! The collections remained super steady, defying all expectations.
Surpassing the Rs. 4 crores mark yet again on Tuesday, ‘Munjya’ has truly bowled over the box office. The film shows no signs of slowing down, maintaining a strong audience interest, especially considering its modest budget and limited screen count. It’s safe to say that ‘Munjya’ is the top choice for moviegoers, outperforming all other Hindi films combined.
With a total collection of Rs. 28.36 crores, ‘Munjya’ is well on its way to reaching the coveted milestone of Rs. 50 crores. It’s predicted to cross Rs. 30 crores today, hit Rs. 40 crores by Friday, and who knows, maybe even score a half-century by Sunday!
From a hit to a superhit, ‘Munjya’ is on a winning streak.
Note: All figures are sourced from production and distribution channels.
Looks like ‘Munjya’ is on a smashing spree, hitting boundaries left and right at the box office!
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