Brace yourselves, Bollywood fans! Our ghostly friend Stree 2 is haunting the box office with a whopping Rs. 12.25 crores on Tuesday. Anything over Rs. 10 crores would have been a treat, but this flick has gone above and beyond. Ever since its release, it’s been raking in the moolah, and while a Friday-to-Tuesday dip from Rs. 19.30 crores might seem spooky, trust me, these numbers are anything but a horror story. As the long weekend bids us adieu, these collections are just settling down like a ghost after a good scare.

Now, let’s talk about the real magic – the film has amassed Rs. 434.10 crores already, with two more days to go in the week. Since it hit the screens on a Thursday, by the end of this week, we’re looking at a 15-day run. And guess what? It’s all set to cross the Rs. 450 crores milestone. Yes, those paid previews on the first Wednesday did give it a boost, but who’s complaining? With this pace, the Rs. 500 crores mark is not just a dream; it’s a prophecy being fulfilled.

In terms of ROI, this ghostly tale is the biggest blockbuster of the current era. It’s not just India that’s bewitched; even overseas, the film’s crossing Rs. 100 crores! Stree 2 is a gold mine for everyone involved. And now, the anticipation for Stree 3 is killing us… but in a good way.

Note: All collections as per various box office sources

More Pages: Stree 2 Box Office Collection, Stree 2 Movie Review