In the span of just 6 days, Munjya has gracefully soared past the Rs. 30 crores milestone. The film’s collections have been consistently impressive, starting strong on Friday (+Thursday paid previews) with Rs. 4.21 crores and maintaining stability on Wednesday with Rs. 4.11 crores. This remarkable trend has propelled the film to a total of Rs. 32.47 crores, averaging over Rs. 5 crores per day.
Now, the real excitement lies in how the film performs over the weekend. Last week saw a substantial growth in numbers, reaching Rs. 7.40 crores on Saturday and Rs. 8.43 crores on Sunday. If this trend continues, we might witness the birth of a potential blockbuster.
Munjya has emerged as the dark horse of 2024 so far, surprising everyone with its success. While the year has seen several films across different budgets perform well in theaters, Munjya stands out as the underdog, poised to become the third highest-grossing film of the year (so far) after Fighter and Shaitaan.
Note: All collections are based on production and distribution sources.
And that’s a wrap for Munjya – a film that’s scaring up big numbers at the box office!
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