Mr. And Mrs. Mahi had a rollercoaster weekend at the box office, with the opening day raking in Rs. 6.85 crores, followed by Rs. 4.65 crores on Saturday and a slight growth on Sunday with Rs. 5.62 crores. The trajectory of the film was quite uneven, thanks to the holiday-like scenario created on the opening day. So, expecting a regular 50% drop from Friday to Monday was out of the question. The drop was bound to be bigger, but as long as the collections stayed above Rs. 2 crores, everything was going to be just fine.
And fine it was, as Rs. 2.21 crores came in on Monday. With normal ticket rates and no BOGO offers in sight, these numbers are more than decent. Without the boost of Cinema Lovers Day, Friday’s numbers would have been in the Rs. 3-4 crores range. So, all in all, the four-day total stands at a respectable Rs. 19.33 crores.
Now, the film needs to maintain this momentum throughout the week, much like another Rajkummar Rao starrer, Srikanth. That film started strong at Rs. 2.42 crores and then held steady around the Rs. 1.50 crore mark for the rest of the week, heading towards a lifetime collection of Rs. 53-55 crores. While Mr. And Mrs. Mahi may not be eyeing a half-century, hitting the Rs. 34-40 crores mark for its lifetime would be a decent achievement considering its moderate budget.
In conclusion, let’s hope Mr. And Mrs. Mahi keeps the cash flowing in and doesn’t turn into a Mr. And Mrs. Mahi-stake at the box office!
(Note: All collections are as per production and distribution sources)
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