“Hello, darlings! It’s Review Rani here, back again to dismantle your favourite Bollywood flicks with a dash of vinegar and a generous helping of sarcasm.”
Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba, the sequel to the not-so-mesmerizing Haseen Dillruba, finds our protagonists, the sassy Rani Kashyap (Taapsee Pannu) and the dorky Rishu Saxena (Vikrant Massey), dancing the tango with the law in Agra. Oh, and they’ve got a new frenemy in the mix. It all sounds tantalizing, doesn’t it? Well, don’t hold your breath, my dears.
This sequel, penned by Kanika Dhillon and helmed by Jayprad Desai, lures us in with a delectable cocktail of suspense, thrill, and a dash of romance. They even throw in a determined cop, Montu (Jimmy Shergill), who’s as relentless as a bloodhound on their trail. But alas, the promise fizzles out faster than a cheap firecracker.
The intrigue that was the lifeblood of the original movie is diluted in this sequel, replaced by a run-of-the-mill chase plot that’s as thrilling as watching paint dry. The cat and mouse game between our protagonists and the cops feels as predictable as an Ekta Kapoor soap opera. There’s as much suspense here as in a game of Snakes and Ladders played by two year olds.
The narrative is as aimless as a drunk in a maze, weighed down by convoluted subplots and twists that have as much logic as a cow on a rollercoaster (why, Bollywood, why?). The film’s attempts at witty dialogue and literary references feel more forced than a laughter track on a sitcom.
Vikrant Massey pulls off a decent performance as Rishu, while Taapsee Pannu gives us a rerun of her previous act. Sunny Kaushal is bearable as the mild yet intense Abhimanyu, but the chemistry between the actors is as exciting as a chemistry lecture on a Monday morning. Jimmy Shergill and Aditya Srivastav are criminally underused. The only saving grace is the cinematography that captures the spirit of Agra beautifully.
Rani’s Wrap-Up: Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba is as engaging as a PowerPoint presentation on tax laws. It has a stylish aesthetic and a talented cast, but lacks the soul and suspense of a truly captivating movie. With sharper writing and more focused storytelling, it could have been a sequel to remember. But as it stands, it’s as memorable as the lyrics of a Honey Singh song.
“Until next time, this is Review Rani, signing off with a smirk and a promise to keep the sarcasm flowing!”