Ladies and Gentlemen, gather around! Our beloved Prabhas, along with Bollywood bigwigs Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, and Kamal Haasan, has unleashed a cinematic storm with Kalki 2898 AD. The global box office is ablaze! On its grand opening day, this Nag Ashwin spectacle raked in a whopping Rs. 170 crores. Not one to slow down, it held strong with Rs. 90 crores on day two and then decided to give us a 20% boost, pulling in Rs. 110 crores on day three.Let’s do the math, shall we? Three days in and Kalki 2898 AD has amassed a total of Rs. 370 crores. With the extended weekend in sight, this futuristic epic is eyeing a Rs. 500 crores milestone. Whether it’s North India, South India, or the International Markets, this film is turning the box office into its personal playground.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – the India vs South Africa World Cup Finals. Yes, it did nibble away Rs. 8 to 10 crores from the total collection in India. But hey, even cricket couldn’t completely overshadow Prabhas’ magic on screen! With Kalki 2898 AD, Prabhas reaffirms his status as the ultimate crowd magnet of Indian cinema. This rebel just can’t stop setting new benchmarks, can he?

For more insights: Kalki 2898 AD Box Office Collection, Kalki 2898 AD Movie Review